Teaching Assistantships allowed Dr. Hernandez —while completing her graduate degree— to work with students in a classroom, lab, or quiz section setting.
❀ Forests & Society ❀
ESRM 101 A—Forests and Society: Survey course covering forest ecosystems of the world, history of forestry and forest conservation, how forest ecosystems function, wildlife in forests, environmental issues in forestry, forest management, economics and products, and new approaches to forest management. Open to majors and nonmajors. Cannot be taken for credit if CFR 101 already taken.
❀ Native Peoples of the Northwest ❀
AIS 270— Native Peoples of the Northwest: Examines indigenous societies on the Pacific Northwest's western slope, from southeast Alaska to California, including social structures and relations, subsistence strategies, belief systems, and changes over time, both before and after non-Natives' arrival. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 270.
❀ Standing Together-Tribal Canoe Journey
Field Study (Study Abroad) ❀
AIS 475 A--Standing Together-Tribal Canoe Journey Field Study (Study Abroad): Summer 2017, the We Wai Kai and Wei Wai Kum Nations are inviting all canoe families, friends, relatives and visitors to their territories in British Columbia on the Straights of Georgia at Cape Mudge and Campbell River. As a program, we will follow the canoes north from Washington, through the San Juan Islands, stopping to be hosted each night by a different community, and join the five day celebration along the shores of Discovery Passage from August 5-10th. We will travel to Nuu-chah-nulth lands, to the Tse-shaht First Nation to participate in traditional food gathering activities, and then Opitsaht—a community of the Tla-o-qui-aht people, located at the SW end of Meares Island in Clayoquot Sound.
Apply: http://www.washington.edu/studyabroad/
Program Cost: $3,500
Apply: http://www.washington.edu/studyabroad/
Program Cost: $3,500